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Calm Sea

You are not alone...

Pregnancy & Postpartum

Are you pregnant or a new mom experiencing profound feelings of sadness and/or anxiety? Do you question how well you are bonding with your baby? Was your birth experience traumatic? Perhaps you are having scary and intrusive thoughts about yourself or your baby, and don’t feel you can share your worries for fear others will judge you? Or perhaps you are struggling with your new identity as a mom while trying to remember and hold on to the amazing human being you were before motherhood? 1 in 7 women struggle with a postpartum mood disorder, you are not alone, and I can help!

what is a postpartum mood disorder?

Many are familiar with the term postpartum depression; however, postpartum mood disorders can  include depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder, bi-polar mood disorder, and in rare occasions psychosis. The good news is that postpartum mood disorders are treatable, most commonly with therapy and in some cases medication.

when therapy can help

Therapy may be beneficial should you find yourself experiencing any of the following (courtesy of Postpartum Support International):

  • Are you feeling sad or depressed?

  • Do you feel irritable or angry with those around you?

  • Are you having difficulty bondng with your baby?

  • Do you feel anxious or panicky?

  • Are you having problems with eating or sleeping?

  • Are you having upsetting thoughts that you can't get out of your mind?

  • Do you feel as if you are "out of control" or "going crazy"?

  • Do you feel like you should never have become a mother?

  • Are you afraid you may hurt your baby or yourself?

individual & couples counseling

Whether your are pregnant or a new parent, through individual and couples counseling, I can help you and your partner create a postpartum tool box to ensure you are receiving the necessary sleep, nutrition, social, and hands on support necessary while caring for your newborn. We will also explore skills and techniques to reduce anxiety and depression, decrease isolation, receive grief support, improve communication, clarify difficult thoughts and feelings in a safe environment, and discover your unknown strengths and resiliency.

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